The View from the Front Yard
There it is, Friends. Just waiting!
The blue stickpin at the bottom of the picture is my home; the one two-thirds of the way up, just short of the river, is where I stay tomorrow (Saturday) night, and the one near the top, across the river, is where I stay the second night (Sunday). Then it’s off across Iowa — the road heading straight out off the top left corner.
On the big map of the total journey, which you can view at my web site,, in the section titled “Maps”, these first two days are just that tiny downward squiggle at the left end.
Tomorrow will be one of only three days on my itinerary when I spend the whole day walking through an urban area. (The other two will be in Peoria and in Dayton.) How much of intact nature can I hope to see in such an urban walk? How much harmony with nature will I see?

The “maps” page of this web site will shortly cease to exist. But here is the “big map” I referred to:

Reader Comments (3)
Each day, while the earth holds you up during your journey, I will take some time to hold you and your family in the Light. Go with God, Friend Marshall!
--comment posted by Judy Erickson, Oak Park (IL) MM
May 13th, 2006 at 10:50 a.m.
-- comment posted by Charlotte Wood-Harrington
May 14th, 2006 at 12:30 p.m.
Thank you both for your loving attention –
-- comment posted by Marshall
May 22nd, 2006 at 9:49 a.m.