Entries in Oriens (7)

The View from the Front Yard

Posted on Friday, May 12, 2006 at 11:46PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in | Comments3 Comments

Updated on Saturday, September 2, 2006 at 12:38PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey

There it is, Friends.  Just waiting!

The blue stickpin at the bottom of the picture is my home; the one two-thirds of the way up, just short of the river, is where I stay tomorrow (Saturday) night, and the one near the top, across the river, is where I stay the second night (Sunday).  Then it’s off across Iowa —

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Of Will and Ministry

Posted on Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 10:15PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in , | Comments4 Comments

And the thing about that intuition is that, if it is present in oneself, it will also manifest in some (though usually not all) of the people around one. It will tend to affect them the same way it affects oneself.

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Tool Conversations

Posted on Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 04:28PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in | Comments3 Comments

These salespeople, then, were looking at me through the tools of their sales techniques, instead of through their hearts. They weren’t seeing me as a living human being like themselves; they were seeing me as a Possible Sale. Had I fallen for their tricks, I’d have suffered for three long months on the road unnecessarily.

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When It Became Clear, and Why

Posted on Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 07:23AM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in , , | Comments3 Comments

What was it that suddenly convinced them? In the space of those few sentences, I had apparently allowed a bit of the same thing I myself had felt, when the sense of leading came to me, to come through and be visible to others more clearly.

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"How Do You Know...?"

Posted on Friday, April 21, 2006 at 07:23PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in , , | Comments3 Comments

“How do you know it’s a genuine leading?” they asked.

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Cutting Loose

Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 12:09PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in | Comments5 Comments

There’s a sense I have that when we render ourselves naked and vulnerable in this way, we remove the roof that normally cuts us off from Heaven. We not only let in the rain; we let in the Sun. We humans are made by God to be social creatures, creatures rooted in community, and that is really what we should be. But the communities we are part of are nice enough to let us fall asleep.

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Posted on Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 09:54PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in | Comments8 Comments

There is a point of intersection, I believe, where the earth’s teaching, and the messages of Spirit-led human witnesses, meet and reinforce one another and become one larger thing. That is a point of intersection that greatly interests me.

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