Index to Biblical References & Citations
Friends, this is a list, as complete as I can make it, of all appearances and mentions of Biblical passages on this Web site.
It includes citations of extra-canonical material from the Biblical era, and covers the earthwitness journal (“ewj”), The Quaker Magpie Journal (“QMJ”), and my essay Creation Encountered (CE).
I assembled this list for personal reference. But it has occurred to me that others might find it helpful for their own use in searching this site.
Jump Directly to Sections:
- Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
- Histories (Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Nehemiah)
- Wisdom (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Daniel 13)
- Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel)
- Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Micah)
- Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) & Acts
- Canonical Epistles (Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, I Thessalonians, II Timothy, Philemon, Hebrews, James, Peter, I John)
- Apocalypse (Revelation) & Extra-Canonical (Gospel of Thomas, Ignatius to the Ephesians, Didache)
I. Torah
- Genesis 1:16,18
- “dominion” of sun and moon
- Genesis 1:26,28
- “dominion” of humans
- CE
- “Report from Englewood”, ewj 7/5/06
- “Bible Study at Harrisonburg, Part One: Creation and Dominion”, ewj 8/20/06
- Genesis 1:29-30
- vegetarianism commanded
- “Bible Study at Harrisonburg, Part One: Creation and Dominion”, ewj 8/20/06
- “Bible Study, Part Three: A World Restored”, ewj 8/24/06
- Genesis 1:31
- everything God made is good
- “Bible Study at Harrisonburg, Part One: Creation and Dominion”, ewj 8/20/06
- “On Living in Harmony — Parts Two and Three”, ewj 9/22/06 (in comments)
- Genesis 3:8
- God walks in the Garden
- Genesis 3:21
- God made tunics of skin for Adam and Eve
- Genesis 4:7
- illustrating usage of mâshal
- Genesis 9:9-10
- God’s covenant with Noah and the animals
- Genesis 12:1
- God’s first command to Abram: get out of your homeland
- Genesis 22:1-18
- Abraham offers Isaac to God as a sacrifice
- Exodus 3:5
- the burning Bush and holy ground
- Exodus 3:8
- “a land of milk and honey”
- Exodus 4:10
- Moses to God: don’t ask me to do this, I’m a terrible public speaker
- Exodus 20:25
- altars of stone to be unhewn
- Exodus 21:5-6
- a person might voluntarily choose to become a slave for life
- Exodus 21:20-27
- laws regulating physical abuse of slaves by their owners
- Exodus 33:3
- “a land of milk and honey”
- Leviticus 25:1-22
- Sabbath and Jubilee years
- Leviticus 25:39-55/DT>
- laws regarding slavery
- Leviticus 25:43,46,52; 26:17
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Leviticus 27:21
- fields hallowed in Jubilee year
- Numbers 24:19
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Numbers 35:30
- rules of witness
- Deuteronomy 8:7-9
- “a land of milk and honey”
- Deuteronomy 15:16-17
- a person might voluntarily choose to become a slave for life
- Deuteronomy 17:6
- rules of witness
- Deuteronomy 17:14-20
- rules for kingship
- CE
- “Bible Study at Harrisonburg, Part One: Creation and Dominion”, ewj 8/20/06
- “The Witness Workshop, Part Two: The Classic Example”, ewj 9/5/06
- Deuteronomy 19:15
- rules of witness
- Deuteronomy 27:5-6
- altars of stone to be unhewn
II. Histories
- Judges 14:9
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Judges 5
- the Song of Deborah
- Judges 8:23
- illustrating usage of mâshal
- I Samuel 12:1-5
- the weight of a witness
- II Samuel 1-12
- David’s early kingship
- II Samuel 4:5-12
- David punishes those who murdered his enemy
- II Samuel 6:12-22
- the bringing of the Ark to Jerusalem
- II Samuel 11
- David, Bathsheba & Uriah
- II Samuel 12:1-13
- Nathan confronts David
- “The Witness Workshop, Part Two: The Classic Example”, ewj 9/5/06
- “The Witness Workshop, Conclusion: Exploring the Mechanics”, ewj 9/11/06
- II Samuel 22
- Hymn to the God of Storms
- I Kings 4:24, 5:16, 9:23
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- I Kings 19:11
- God to Elijah: go and stand on the mountain before Me
- I Kings 21
- Naboth’s vineyard
- II Chronicles 8:10
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Nehemiah 9:28
- illustrating usage of râdâh
III. Wisdom
- Job 4:8
- we reap what we sow
- Job 38-40
- God’s answer to Job
- Psalm 8:6-8
- “dominion” of humans
- Psalm 18
- Hymn to the God of Storms
- Psalm 27:14
- “Wait on YHWH!”
- Psalm 46
- “our refuge and our strength”
- Psalms 72:8, 110:2
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Psalm 123:2
- “As servants look to the hand of their masters, so we to YHWH”
- Psalm 126:5
- we reap what we sow
- Proverbs 12:10
- a righteous man has regard for the life of his animal
- Proverbs 22:8
- we reap what we sow
- Proverbs 28:5
- those who seek YHWH understand all
- Ecclesiastes 3:19
- humans and animals have one breath
- Daniel 13
- Susanna and the Elders
IV. Major Prophets
- Isaiah 6
- the prophet called to engage in futile prophecy
- Isaiah 6:8-12
- the prophet to go unheard
- Isaiah 11:6-9
- the Peaceable Kingdom
- CE
- “Bible Study, Part Three: A World Restored”, ewj 8/24/06
- “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- Isaiah 14:2,6
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Isaiah 20:2-3
- going naked for a sign
- Isaiah 25:9
- …We have waited for Him, and He will save us!
- Isaiah 29:9-10
- the prophets silenced by God
- Isaiah 30:7
- help from Egypt to be in vain
- Isaiah 31:1
- seeking help from human strength an error
- Isaiah 41:2
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Isaiah 54:13-14
- all your children to be taught by YHWH
- Isaiah 58:6-9
- share your bread with the hungry, and you’ll be blessed
- Isaiah 61:1-2
- quoted by Christ in his first sermon
- Isaiah 66:3
- “he who kills a bull, slays a man”
- Jeremiah 5:31
- illustrating usage of râdâh
- Jeremiah 31:33
- the Law written on the tablets of the heart
- Ezekiel 1-2
- the calling of the prophet
- Ezekiel 29:15, 34:4
- illustrating usage of râdâh
V. Minor Prophets
- Hosea 1-2
- the parable of Hosea’s marriage
- Hosea 8:7
- we reap what we sow
- Hosea 8:14
- human strength is no defense
- Hosea 10:12
- we reap what we sow
- Joel 2:28-32
- the Spirit to be poured out
- Amos 4-5
- a prophecy of tragedy, referencing how God may be known
- Amos 7:7-9
- the prophet told that doom can no longer be averted
- Jonah 1
- meeting God on the sea
- Micah 6:8
- do justly, love mercy, walk with God
VI. Gospels & Acts
- Matthew 4:1-11
- the Temptation in the Wilderness
- Matthew 5-7
- the Sermon on the Mount
- Matthew 5:12
- rejoice when they persecute you
- Matthew 5:23-24
- be reconciled to your brother before offering your gift at the altar
- Matthew 5:38-42
- resist not evil; turn the other cheek; go the second mile; etc.
- “Confucius for Quakers: 4”, QMJ 11/5/06
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06, footnote 19
- Matthew 5:48
- you shall be perfect, as your Father in Heaven
- Matthew 6:10
- …Your Kingdom come; Your will be done….
- Matthew 6:24
- a person cannot serve two masters
- Matthew 6:25-34
- do not worry
- Matthew 7:8-11
- Everyone who asks receives. For which of you, if your child asked for bread, would give him a stone? And isn’t God the sort who will do even better?
- Matthew 8:5-13
- Christ heals the centurion’s servant
- Matthew 10:9-10
- take nothing for your journey
- Matthew 12:36
- no idle words
- Matthew 14:13,23
- Christ retreats to the wilderness to pray
- Matthew 16:19
- binding and loosing
- Matthew 17:20
- the faith that moves mountains
- Matthew 18
- principles of life in community (“Gospel order”)
- Matthew 18:16
- rules of witness
- Matthew 18:18
- binding and loosing
- Matthew 18:19
- where two disciples agree
- Matthew 18:20
- where two or three are gathered
- CE
- “Report from Fall Creek at Pendleton”, ewj 6/27/06 (in comments)
- “Corporate Practice and the ‘Word’”, ewj 7/11/06
- Matthew 19:17
- there is One that is good, namely God
- Matthew 23:23
- the weightier matters of justice, mercy and faith
- Matthew 25:31-46
- parable of the sheep and the goats
- “Incident at Covington”, ewj 7/6/06
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06, footnote 23
- Matthew 26:36
- Christ goes to the Garden to pray
- Mark 2:13-17
- Christ calls Levi away from the tax office
- Mark 10:18
- there is One that is good, namely God
- Mark 10:42-45
- servant lordship
- “Bible Study at Harrisonburg, Part One: Creation and Dominion”, ewj 8/20/06
- “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- Luke 4:18-19
- Christ’s first sermon
- “‘God Has Given Thee a Measure…’”, ewj 6/21/06 (in comments)
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06
- Luke 7:1-10
- Christ heals the centurion’s servant
- Luke 8:11
- the seed is the Word
- Luke 10:3-4
- go as lambs; take nothing for the journey
- Luke 10:25-37
- parable of the Good Samaritan
- “Naming the Creatures”, ewj 5/27/06
- “Two Encounters”, ewj 7/16/06
- “Confucius for Quakers: 4”, QMJ 11/5/06
- Luke 10:27
- the second Great Commandment (“your neighbor as yourself”)
- Luke 12:11-12
- the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say
- Luke 12:13-15
- Christ refuses to divide the inheritance
- Luke 12:22-34
- do not worry
- Luke 16:13
- a person cannot serve two masters
- Luke 17:7-10
- parable of the servant who only does his duty
- Luke 18:19
- there is One that is good, namely God
- Luke 19:1-10
- Christ wins Zacchæus to repentance
- John 1:1
- the Word was in the beginning, is God
- John 1:14
- the Word made flesh dwelt amongst us
- John 8:3-11
- the woman taken in adultery
- John 13:3-17
- Jesus’s footwashing
- John 13:34-35
- “love one another; thus you are my disciples”
- John 14:2
- many mansions
- John 15:14
- you are my friends if you do whatsoever I tell you
- John 15:15
- I no longer call you “servants” (douloi), but “friends” (philoi)
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06, footnote 14
- “Friends and Doctrines”, QMJ 2/25/07
- John 16:7-15
- “the Paraklete will come and convict the world of sin and righteousness”
- John 16:24
- whatever you ask in my name, will be given, that your joy may be complete
- John 18:1-2
- Christ’s fondness for the Garden of Gethsemane
- John 18:36
- if Christ’s kingdom were of this world, his servants would fight
- Acts 2:14-21
- Peter’s sermon at Pentecost: concerning the Spirit
- “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- “The Bible and Dr. Seuss”, QMJ 10/2/06
- “‘The Devil Told Me the Same Thing’ — A Reëxamination of Gifts”, QMJ 11/12/06
- Acts 6:2-3
- the appointment of deacons for table-service
- Acts 9:1-9
- Saul’s experience on the road to Damascus
- Acts 15:22-23,28
- Quaker-style discernment process by the Church at Jerusalem
- “The Giftedness of Elders”, QMJ 10/30/06 (in comments)
- “Christians, Dogmas, and Creeds”, QMJ 3/22/07
- Acts 16:4
- the things-which-seemed-good (dogmata)
- Acts 16:19-34
- Paul’s and Silas’s adventure in the Philippi prison
VII. Canonical Epistles
- Romans 1:11
- I long to see you, that I might share with you some spiritual gift, that you might be established…
- Romans 2:14-15
- the Law written in hearts and consciences
- Romans 6:4
- baptism is burial and resurrection, that we should walk in newness of life
- Romans 6:23
- the kharisma of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
- Romans 8:12-13
- we live not in the flesh but in the Spirit
- Romans 8:14
- those led by the Spirit are God’s children
- CE, “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- “The Giftedness of Elders”, QMJ 10/30/06 (in comments)
- Romans 8:15-17
- we received, not the spirit of bondage, but the Spirit of adoption
- CE, “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- “The Giftedness of Elders”, QMJ 10/30/06 (in comments)
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06, footnote 15
- Romans 8:18
- today’s sufferings are minor compared to the glory to come
- Romans 8:19-22
- Creation waits eagerly…
- CE
- “Half-Way Across West Virginia”, ewj 7/24/06
- “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- Romans 8:23
- we too wait eagerly for the adoption
- CE
- “Half-Way Across West Virginia”, ewj 7/24/06
- “Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!”, ewj 8/26/06
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06, footnote 15
- Romans 8:26-28
- the Spirit intercedes for us
- Romans 8:28
- all things work together for good to those that love the Lord…
- Romans 12:6-8
- various kinds of gifts
- “The Giftedness of Elders”, QMJ 10/30/06 (in comments)
- “‘The Devil Told Me the Same Thing’ — A Reëxamination of Gifts”, QMJ 11/12/06
- I Corinthians 6:1-3
- the saints are the best qualified to judge/discern
- I Corinthians 7:7
- each person has his own kharisma from God
- I Corinthians 11:1
- Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.
- I Corinthians 12:1-11
- the relationship between the Spirit and the kharismata
- I Corinthians 12:4-11,28-31
- various kinds of gifts
- “The Giftedness of Elders”, QMJ 10/30/06 (in comments)
- “‘The Devil Told Me the Same Thing’ — A Reëxamination of Gifts”, QMJ 11/12/06
- I Corinthians 12:4-11,28-31
- earnestly desire the best kharismata
- I Corinthians 13:1-3
- the kharismata, without love, are of no worth
- I Corinthians 13:7
- love bears all things
- I Corinthians 14:1
- desire pneumatika; the relationship between the Spirit and the kharismata
- I Corinthians 14:29
- let two or three prophets speak, and the congregation judge/discern
- II Corinthians 1:15
- I intended to come to you, that you might have a second helping of grace.
- II Corinthians 9:6
- we reap what we sow
- Galatians 3:26-4:4
- no longer slaves, but children & heirs
- Galatians 4:5-7
- adoption, sonship, heirship
- “The Giftedness of Elders”, QMJ 10/30/06 (in comments)
- “The First Friends and Slavery — Part Two”, ewj 12/22/06, footnote 15
- Galatians 6:2
- bear one another’s burdens
- Galatians 6:7-8
- we reap what we sow
- Ephesians 1:5-6
- adoption as children of God
- Ephesians 6:5-9
- duties of masters and servants
- Colossians 2:8
- misleading philosophies
- Colossians 2:20-23
- will-worship
- Colossians 3:11
- neither Greek nor Jew, slave nor free
- Colossians 3:22
- slaves, obey your masters
- I Thessalonians 2:3-5
- the weight of a testimony
- I Thessalonians 5:6
- You become imitators of us and of the Lord.
- II Timothy 3:16
- “All scripture is given by inspiration…”
- Philemon 15-17
- receive him no longer as a slave, but as a brother — as you would me
- Hebrews 8:10
- “I will put My Laws in their minds and hearts.”
- James 1:17
- every good giving and perfect gift is from God
- James 2:23
- Abraham was called the friend of God
- I Peter 4:13
- rejoice when you partake of Christ’s sufferings
- II Peter 1:20-21
- “Prophecy never came by human will…”
- I John 2:20,27
- an anointing that teaches you all things
- I John 3:21
- if our heart does not condemn us…
VIII. Apocalypse & Extra-Canonical
- Apocalypse (Revelation of John, ca. 94 - ca. 96 A.D.), 7:3
- hurt not the Earth!
- Apocalypse (Revelation of John, ca. 94 - ca. 96 A.D.), 8:1
- the silence in Heaven
- Apocalypse (Revelation of John, ca. 94 - ca. 96 A.D.), 11:18
- destroy the earth-destroyers!
- Gospel of Thomas (ca. 55 - ca. 140 A.D.), 42
- be passers-by
- Gospel of Thomas (ca. 55 - ca. 140 A.D.), 72
- Christ refuses to divide the inheritance
- Ignatios Theophoros (bishop of Antioch), Letter to the Ephesians (ca. 107 - ca. 112 A.D.), iv.1c
- Christ is being sung
- Didache (compiled ca. 70 - ca. 150 on the basis of first century source texts), xi, xii
- the rôles of apostles, prophets and teachers