Entries from May 1, 2007 - May 31, 2007
"Are We Ready?"

…If we humans were all to die over the next four years for want of pollinating bees to renew our crops, or for any other reason, those of us whose lives were dedicated to the service of God would surely be mobilized, and endowed with spiritual gifts, to give extraordinary service to our spiritually and materially distressed neighbors. Are you ready for your spiritual gifts?
What would those spiritual gifts be?
Angela Manno Speaks Out Against Nuclear Power

Yesterday, Friend Angela Manno of New York Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM), contributed a posting to the “earthwitness matters” discussion page here on this site, condemning nuclear energy as an “abomination” and citing her reasons for doing so.
This was an important posting, I believe — particularly because it comes at a time when the winds in Quaker circles seem to be blowing in an opposite direction.