These web-journal and blog writers are on journeys that in one way or another resonate with my own. I encourage you to visit their sites —
Journal & Author | Description |
environmentally-oriented journals | |
A Musing Environment
| “A Friend looks at (mostly) the environment: ‘Let all nations hear the sound by word or writing. Spare not place, spare not tongue, nor pen…’” Karen, a Pacific Yearly Meeting Friend, provides overviews of breaking environmental news, and has been challenging her readers to respond. See this noteworthy posting, and also this one. Karen has contributed comments here on my web site. |
ecospirit — by Robert McGahey (“robert”) | “‘The earth is our only home, and no work of the spirit or for peace and justice can live without biospheric preservation, requiring concerted action that radically challenges the way we live and think.’ …” The author is a SAYMA (FGC) Friend who lives in a land trust. His eloquent, elegiac essays invoke Thomas Berry, Joanna Macy, Arne Naess, and others of like views. See this noteworthy posting. (You won’t be able to comment unless you have an account with Blogger or Google.) |
Surviving the Future — by Robert A. Seeley | “design, strategy, and values for a world of limitations”. A Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (FGC) Friend reports on movements around the world, toward and away from sustainability. |
thoroughly Quaker-oriented journals | |
A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
| “…a blog to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus.” This journal by a North Carolina (Conservative) Friend expresses a very simple & sincere Quakerism. (You won’t be able to comment unless you have an account with Blogger or Google.) Craig has contributed comments here on my web site. |
A Silly Poor Gospel
| “From a Quaker pastor presently parked in the no-man’s land of the Q Continuum. I seek the full undiluted experience of the present Christ, and hope never to settle for anything less.” See this noteworthy posting. |
Brooklyn Quaker
| “Thoughts on Quaker Faith and Practice as they appear to me …” The author is a member of New York Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM); his blog has focused on an effort to identify what lies at the heart of Quakerism. This posting was remarkable as satire, and this provoked some long comments from yours truly. Rich has contributed comments here on my web site. |
Can you believe?
| “Fifth-day commentaries: published every Thursday (mostly)…” Johan was a General Secretary of FUM before becoming a Northwest Yearly Meeting (EFI) pastor. He’s committed to a strongly Christian Quakerism, and in that regard, you might be interested in this posting on his site, and also thisone. His ten “commandments” for Quaker business meetings could be helpful to many new Friends. |
Chris M.: Tables, Chairs and Oaken Chests — by Chris M. | “Yet another Liberal Quaker with Conservative-leaning tendencies!” The author, a Pacific Yearly Meeting Friend, takes a special interest in First-day School matters. He has contributed comments here on my web site. |
Growing Together in the Light
| “A place for Friends and others to explore Quakerism. A place where, in the Light that comes from God, we may all grow and where we may hope to find a unity that underlies our diversity of language.” Written by a weighty member of New England Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM). He has given some good coverage to Quakerism’s underlying theological principles. He has also contributed some noteworthy postings on the present state of Friends United Meeting, beginning with this one. And he has contributed comments here on my web site. |
Light and Silence — by Simon St. Laurent | “Reflections on Quakerism.” Many postings on Quaker theology, Christian theology and Church history by a New York Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM) member who writes major computer texts for a living. (He doesn’t talk about the computer stuff on his blog.) See this noteworthy posting. Simon has contributed comments here on my web site. |
living on both ends - an
| “I’m a woman who is a finder and holder of stories.” And stories she does tell, illustrating how she lives out her Quakerism in her interactions with others day by day. She posts new entries often, and they’re generally very good ministry. “anj” belongs to New York Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM). See this noteworthy posting, and also this one. |
Nancy’s Apology — by Nancy A | “because a life must speak”. Nancy, a Canadian Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM) Friend, has lately been posting about her desire to start a new sort of “church thingie” in her area. I’d recommend a sequential pair of postings on her site: this one and this one. (Read the comments, too.) She has contributed comments here on my web site. |
One Quaker Take — by Timothy Travis | “This is the sum or substance of our religion; to wit, to feel and discern the two seeds…” A fairly passionate mix of traditional and modern liberal (“Beanite”) Quakerism by an active member of North Pacific Yearly Meeting who is also a lawyer with a special concern about child abuse (and a Viet Nam vet!). See this noteworthy posting. Timothy has contributed comments here on my web site. |
quaker oats live
| “…This blog is a sign or mark of a quaker struggling to live out her faith in this crazy world.” By a young Northwest Yearly Meeting (EFI) Friend studying theology, with a gift for raising provocative issues. See this noteworthy posting. |
| “Martin Kelley’s personal website”. The author, a Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (FGC) Friend who was blogging before abacuses, is also the coördinator of QuakerQuaker, a highly regarded “collaboratively edited listing of blog and news stories about Friends”. Try exploring the essays in his archives — this one, for example. Martin has contributed comments here on my web site. |
raised in the light
| By a young New York Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM) Quaker college student with an interest in Quaker theology and the future of the Society of Friends. See this noteworthy posting, and this one, too. (You won’t be able to comment unless you have an account with Blogger or Google.) |
Showers of Blessings
| “I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of wild beasts so that they may live in the desert and sleep in the forests in safety…” The author is a member of Northern Yearly Meeting (FGC). He seems to like to tickle his readers with insights. Paul has contributed comments here on my web site. |
Street Corner Society - a blog
| “at the intersection of religion & politics, conscience & law, history & biography”. The author belongs to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (FGC). His web site is not a typical blog, and contains vast amounts of material. |
The Ear of the Soul
| “This divine whisper which enters in by the ear of the soul is not only substantial knowledge, but a manifestation also of the truths of the Divinity, and a revelation of the secret mysteries thereof. …” The author is a traditionalist in his Quakerism, wrestling honestly with issues in his Friends community. He’s affiliated with SAYMA (FGC). Mark has contributed comments here on my web site. |
The Friendly Funnel
| “My faith, funneled in a Friendly fashion.” A Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (FGC) Friend, honest, theologically engaged, and living out her religion. Tania has contributed comments here on my web site. |
The Good Raised Up — by Liz Opp | “A Quaker woman’s journey
to be faithful in the face of her and others’ humanness.” The author is a member of Northern Yearly Meeting (FGC) and very active in FGC, but she has provided some good coverage of Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative). She’s one of the most prominent members of the Quaker blogging community, and a true peacemaker. See this noteworthy posting. Liz’s comments on this web site are indexed here. |
The Lamb’s War
| “‘The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.’ - Romans 13:12” One of our young fire-breathers, a member of Great Plains Yearly Meeting (FUM) now studying at Earlham School of Religion. A fine recent posting illustrates his commitment to the sanctification-movement-flavored version of Quakerism that set his branch of Quakerism aflame in the second half of the nineteenth century. Micah has contributed comments here on my web site. |
What Canst Thou Say?
| “You will say Christ saith this, and the apostles say this, but what canst thou say? Art thou a child of Light and hast thou walked in the Light, and what thou speakest is it inwardly from God?” This Pacific Yearly Meeting Friend is one of the leading spokespeople for a “convergent” movement in Quakerism (a form of ecumenism bringing some members of five of the six branches of North American Quakerism closer together), along with C. Wess Daniels. See this noteworthy posting. Robin’s comments on this web site are indexed here. |
journals at the margins of Quakerism | |
Quaker Pagan Reflections — by Cat Chapin-Bishop & Peter Bishop | “…the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.” The authors are prominent in the pagan world, and the impression I get is that their first loyalty remains to paganism — but their entries on Quakerism are often quite refreshing. See this noteworthy posting. |
others at play in the fields of the Lord | |
Cute Overload
| One of the most popular blogs on the Web, it is entirely devoted to cute photos of animals. Snorgable! |
DoubleQuotes | “DoubleQuotes consist of two quotes dropped like pebbles into the mind-pond, not so much for their own sakes as for their concentric ripples and resonances and interference patterns between them.” Charles gets off some really good ones from time to time, as for example this pair. He has also contributed comments here on my web site. |
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