ew cameo.jpgPhoto Credits


earthwitness banners:

(the wide photos at the top of each page)

These change with the seasons. Here are the most recent photos I’ve used:


Bryce CanyonAugust 30, 2007 - present:
The Ampitheater, Bryce Canyon, Utah, seen from Sunrise Point

Uploaded to iStockphoto.com January 29, 2006 by Jaap Hart.


Oxbow Bend, Grand Teton National ParkAugust 17 - 30, 2007:
Oxbow Bend, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Photo uploaded to iStockphoto.com February 19, 2007 by sebastien burel.


Scattergood Friends School FarmAugust 1 - 17, 2007:
Scattergood Friends School Farm, West Branch, Iowa

Photo by Marshall Massey, taken July 26, 2007 during the 2007 session of Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative).

For information on earlier banner photos, click here.


personal photos:

  • The photo of me on the navigation bar at left was taken in autumn, 2004, by Billings Photography.

  • The photo of me in the “who am I really?” section was taken in May, 2006, by Kurt Johnson, a professional photographer in Omaha, Nebraska.

magpie photos:

  • The photo of the magpie on the navigation bar at left was taken by Bill Schmoker in Boulder County, Colorado, in May, 2006.

  • The photo of the magpie in the gold aspen foliage which appeared in the very first essay on The Quaker Magpie Journal was uploaded to iStockphoto.com September 15, 2005 by brytta / Vera Bogaerts of Belgium.

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