Entries in Practical Efforts (6)
Angela Manno Speaks Out Against Nuclear Power

Yesterday, Friend Angela Manno of New York Yearly Meeting (FGC / FUM), contributed a posting to the “earthwitness matters” discussion page here on this site, condemning nuclear energy as an “abomination” and citing her reasons for doing so.
This was an important posting, I believe — particularly because it comes at a time when the winds in Quaker circles seem to be blowing in an opposite direction.
Images to Pass Around

Looking for ways to get your local monthly meeting off dead-center, vis-à-vis environmental matters?
Looking for ways to get your co-workers, friends and neighbors thinking about life-style changes?
Just show them the images below.
Polar Bears Reprise

According to an anonymous official in the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Bush regime has caved in under the pressure of a lawsuit from three environmental organizations, and is about to propose that polar bears be listed as “threatened” under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
A listing of polar bears under the Act — if it indeed happens — will constitute a formal written admission from the Bush regime that global warming is real and is threatening at least one well-known and beloved species.
Omaha Friends Grapple with the Issues

We Omaha Friends held our special session on environmental issues on Sunday, October 8, which was the Sunday after we considered our yearly meeting’s environmental advice and query. This, in essence, turned our special session into a deeper look at the query.
I made no attempt to control the direction of the discussion. My sense was that the members and attenders of our meeting needed to talk out their ideas and feelings and work out their answers without being pressured or forced.
What emerged from the discussion were five lines of inquiry, each of which interested a different subset of our circle —
A Request for Testimony

Dear readers all, please share with me what you hear and feel the inward Guide saying about environmental matters in your own hearts and consciences.
More On Getting Off the Grid

Two liberal unprogrammed Friends monthly meetings are considering the idea of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions 10% in the coming year. “What will it take?” Karen asked.
…It’s worth your time to read what Karen’s respondents are saying.