Entries in The Path of the Cross (3)

*Contra Gentes*: Is Voting Such a Good Thing?

Posted on Monday, October 23, 2006 at 05:00PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in , | Comments7 Comments

Would Jesus vote at all? And if he would not, why should we do so as his followers?

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Taking a Good Look at the Selling Process

Posted on Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 05:00PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in , , | Comments2 Comments

I’ve always felt that there is a real and good purpose to the way the universe is designed, and the way we are called to live within it, and it makes sense to me that God would not want us forgetting that purpose and just talking — or doing — aimlessly.

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Good Business and the Cross

Posted on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 09:00PM by Registered CommenterMarshall Massey in , | CommentsPost a Comment

Recommending the path of the cross is often a lot harder when we are addressing others, and especially the young, and especially on behalf of an organization larger than ourselves, than it is when we are simply talking to ourselves. And I think that’s what was happening here.

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