Entries in Environmental Theology (14)
Bible Study, Part Four: The Creation’s Waiting!

…Joel’s words about the Spirit being poured out on all flesh are strikingly similar to Isaiah’s words about the Earth being full of the knowledge of YHWH as the waters cover the sea. And Isaiah’s words about the Earth being full of the knowledge of YHWH are directly tied to his vision of a world in which disharmonies between humanity and the creatures are no more.
Bible Study, Part Three: A World Restored

Hosea 2 gave us the bridal possession — God leading the faithful as His collective Bride down the aisle of the church of the wilderness — that ultimately leads into the world remade. Isaiah 11 gives us a description of what that world remade will look like when we get there.
Bible Study, Part Two: Of God the Restorer

…The prophets tended to see God … as one who is always right there in the middle of the creation, shaping the alternatives we must choose between. They looked up at the sky and saw God right there in the middle of the wind, making the clouds boil and the waves arise on the sea; they felt Him shaking the earth beneath their feet (earthquakes were common in that part of the world!); they turned to themselves, and saw God in their hearts, in the middle of their own breathing, making it happen, driving life moment-by-moment into their otherwise lifeless clay, and drawing them toward righteousness and mercy.
Bible Study at Harrisonburg, Part One: Creation and Dominion

Updated on Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 09:15AM by
Marshall Massey
…The Bible systematically treats wild beings as under God’s control and care, not under any sort of control that God has delegated to humankind. No explicit human right to control or exploit wild creatures, or even to be stewards (managers) of wild creatures, is mentioned anywhere in it.
Corporate Practice and the “Word”

Neither reconciliation nor community happens unless there are two or more people involved. And they don’t happen unless there are both a tension and a harmony involved. It’s by the bringing of the tension into harmony that we know Christ, the Logos, the One who Reconciles, is manifesting among us. It’s by the arising of that harmony where only tension was before — or by the persistence of that harmony when tensions have arisen — that we know a Friends community is present.
Ministry and the “Word”

They are at odds with the very thing to which they are most constantly connected!