In a recent installment of his comic strip, Arthur, King of Time and Space, Paul Gadzikowski, who attends my local Friends meeting, made a splendid statement on the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which was approved by Congress last week.
Paul’s characters — Morgan, Guenevere, Nimue, Lancelot, Merlin and Arthur — lined up and declared to their audience, “Torture is wrong. No one here endorses it or is truly represented by someone who does endorse it.”
Got that?
Those in Congress who endorsed torture last week may represent the United States, but they sure don’t resemble Camelot.
And he who asked them to endorse it may be President, but he sure ain’t King Arthur.
King Richard III, maybe, but not King Arthur.
Maybe this is something that needs to be made clear —?
People need to think carefully about the sort of world they’re setting up for their children. People in government especially, perhaps. They need to realize: the acceptance of torture is neither a fit act of Camelot, nor a movement toward Camelot.
Even if it is something out of the Dark Ages.
For a plain-spoken summary of what the Military Commissions Act is and does, see Anup Shah’s article on ZNet.
And then consider writing your Congresscritters.